woman smiling
Active Release Technique (Muscle Therapy)

Active Release Technique (Muscle Therapy)

At FreeForm Chiropractic, we offer comprehensive services tailored to help our patients live free from pain. We offer a specialized service, the active release technique (ART), a cutting-edge soft tissue system movement-based massage technique that addresses issues with the muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia, and nerves.

woman smiling
Rapid Release

Rapid Release

At FreeForm Chiropractic, we understand the profound impact that muscle discomfort can have on your daily life and overall well-being. Chronic muscle pain is not just a physical inconvenience; it’s a substantial barrier that can disrupt your routine, hinder your productivity, and reduce your quality of life.

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New Patient Special


$75 New Patient Special includes: FormCheck: Digital X-Rays, Complete Dr. Consultation, Spinal Exam, Posture Analysis, Range of Motion Assessment, and Personal Gameplan.

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